Happy New Year! (December 30th , 2014)
Have a wonderful 2015.
A Long and Trying Harvest
So far the harvest season has not been all that fun for us. It started late because the corn and soybeans were planted late. We also had some very hard frosts that shut down the corn plants a little earlier than anticipated. This has caused the corn to be lighter in weight than usual and has resulted in reduced yield. The soybeans turned out OK and we managed to get all of our specialty non-GMO identity preserved beans off and nicely into storage for the winter.Finish #harvest13 in December just in time for Christmas (May 22nd, 2014)
Wow, its been a long and wet harvest but we finally brought in our last truckload of corn from the field on December 23rd 2013. Hopefully this gives all the guys enough time to grab some Christmas presents for their significant others!
Jeff elected as a Delegate for Grain Farmers of Ontario District 6 (Wentworth County) (May 22nd , 2014)
Its official – for a second year Jeff will be helping to represent farmers and their interests on behalf of the Grain Farmers of Ontario (GFO) for District 6. Elections were held at the Caledonia Fairgrounds at the local meeting in January. Jeff looks forward to helping the GFO achieve its mission.
Bob Czajka attended Farm$mart at University of Guelph (May 22nd , 2014)
Bob put his thinking cap on in January and represented us at FarmSmart in January. Bob learned about corn, wheat, soybeans, and also a little about the markets.
Earl & Joan are back from Brazil – what a trip! (May 22nd , 2014)
Earl & Joan went to Southern Brazil to Paranagua for a farm tour in February. They had a great time touring ports, farms, a dairy, and many more interesting places. They also toured Iguasso Falls on the edge of the Argentinian border. Earl also attended a large farm machinery show and saw some really different equipment.
Ready to Roll for #plant14 (May 23rd , 2014)
Aside from all the rain we have managed to get all of the equipment ready to roll for the upcoming planting season. We have even rented a few RED tractors this year! An unusual sight here at Barlow Farms but a welcome for some of our guys who prefer to drive red equipment. Planters, tenders, seed wagons, sprayer.